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Novels and Novellas:

Adams, D.A
Cover 1.inddThe Brotherhood of Dwarves
YA Fantasy
Book One of The Brotherhood of Dwarves Series
$14.95 softcover
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Adams, D.A
RedSkyAtDawnRed Sky at Dawn
YA Fantasy
Book Two of The Brotherhood of Dwarves Series
$14.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
$3.99 ePub version
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Adams, D.A
ThFallofDorkhunThe Fall of Dorkhun
YA Fantasy
Book Three of The Brotherhood of Dwarves Series
$14.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
$3.99 ePub version
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Adams, D.A
BetweenDarkandLightBetween Dark and Light
YA Fantasy
Book Four of The Brotherhood of Dwarves Series
$14.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
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Allen, John F.
9781937929169-tradecover.inddThe God Killers
Urban Fantasy
Book One of The God Killers Legacy
$16.95 softcover
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Blalock, H. David
Urban Fantasy/Contemporary Fantasy
Book One of The Angelkiller Triad
$13.95 softcover
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Blalock, H. David
TraitorAngelTraitor Angel
Urban Fantasy/Contemporary Fantasy
Book Two of the Angelkiller Triad
$13.95 softcover
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Gamber, Jackie
YA Fantasy
Book One of The Leland Dragon Series
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Gamber, Jackie
YA Fantasy
Book Two of Leland Dragon Series
$15.95 softcover
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Garrison, Eric
FourTilLateFour Til Late
Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Book One of The Road Ghosts Trilogy
$13.95 softcover
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Mulvihill, J.L.
TheBoxcarBabyThe Boxcar Bay
YA Steampunk
Book One of The Steel Roots Series
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Shrewsbury, Steven
Sword and Sorcery
A Gorias La Gaul Novel
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Shrewsbury, Steven
Sword and Sorcery
A Gorias La Gaul Novel
$15.95 softcover
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Shrewsbury, Steven
BloodandSteelBlood and Steel: Legends of La Gaul
Sword and Sorcery
Volume 1
$11.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
$3.99 ePub version
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Sullivan, R.J.
Cover.inddHaunting Obsession
Paranormal Fantasy
A Rebecca Burton Novella
$11.95 softcover
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Sullivan, R.J.
VirtualBlueVirtual Blue
Paranormal Fantasy
An Adventures of Blue Shaefer Novel
$17.95 softcover
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West, Michael
TheWideGameThe Wide Game
A Harmony Indiana Novel
$16.95 softcover
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West, Michael
Cinema_Of_ShadowsCinema of Shadows
A Harmony Indiana Novel
$16.95 softcover
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West, Michael
SpookHouseSpook House
A Harmony Indiana Novel
$16.95 softcover
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West, Michael
PoseidonsChildrenPoseidon’s Children
Urban Fantasy
Book One of The Legacy of the Gods Series
$16.95 softcover
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West, Michael
SkullFullofKissesSkull Full of Kisses
Short Story Collection
$16.95 softcover
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Zimmer, Stephen
TheExodusGateThe Exodus Gate
Urban Fantasy/Contemporary Fantasy
Book One of Rising Dawn Saga
$17.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
$3.99 ePub version
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Zimmer, Stephen
TheStormGuardiansThe Storm Guardians
Urban Fantasy/Contemporary Fantasy
Book Two of The Rising Dawn Saga
$17.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
$3.99 ePub version
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Zimmer, Stephen
TheSeventhThroneThe Seventh Throne
Urban Fantasy/Contemporary Fantasy
Book Three of the Rising Dawn Saga
$17.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
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Zimmer, Stephen
CrownofVengeanceCrown of Vengeance
Epic Fantasy
Book One of the Fires in Eden Series
$17.95 softcover
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Zimmer, Stephen
DreamofLegendsDream of Legends
Epic Fantasy
Book Two of the Fires in Eden Series
$21.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
$3.99 ePub version
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Zimmer, Stephen
SpiritofFireSpirit of Fire
Epic Fantasy
Book Three of the Fires in Eden Series
$22.95 softcover
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Zimmer, Stephen
ChroniclesofAveChronicles of Ave
Volume One
$14.95 softcover
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Zimmer, Stephen
Volume One
$11.95 softcover
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Blankenship, Robin
PerfectFlawPerfect Flaw
$16.95 softcover
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Brown, Alexander S.
and Mulvihill, J.L.
SouthernHauntsSouthern Haunts
Paranormal/Ghost Stories
Book One
$16.95 softcover
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$3.99 ePub version
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Leet, Joshua
TheEndWasNotTheEndThe End Was Not the End:
Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy
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Tuck, James R.
ToTBSwordThunder on the Battlefield: Sword
Sword and Sorcery
$17.95 softcover
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Tuck, James R.
ToTBSorceryThunder on the Battlefield: Sorcery
Sword and Sorcery
$17.95 softcover
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West, Michael
VampiresDontSparkleVampires Don’t Sparkle!
$15.95 softcover(includes free digital copy)
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Knost, Michael
WritersWorkshopThe Writers Workshop of Science Fiction & Fantasy
Writing Advice/Writing Skills
$15.95 softcover
(includes free digital copy)
$4.99 ePub version
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